Vacuum Pumps

Here at K.M.E. we have the ability to supply and rebuild most makes and models of Vacuum Pumps. Our repair work is subcontracted to specialist pump repair works who rebuild pumps to stringent K.M.E.  standards and in doing so return them to OEM spec.

Vacuum Pump

Vacuum Systems

K.M.E. having carried out R&D work, over many years, on the operation of liquid ring vacuum pumps, is in a good position to offer a technically sound service on this subject.

We work one on one with each of our customers from start to finish and emphasize installing the correct Vacuum System. An improperly designed Vacuum System will result in degradation of the pump internals, resulting in shortened pump life-span, increased maintenance costs and possibly production losses.

We take the time to fully understand our customer's vacuum application taking into account the often destructive system variables. Stabilising system conditions by customised interventions allow us to guarantee longer pump life spans, reduced maintenance costs and Production losses.

Contact K.M.E. today to find out how we can bring down your maintenance expenses and increase equipment lifespan.

Contact Us

Postal Address

P.O. Box 1742
Umhlanga Rocks
Durban - South Africa

Contact Us

Tel +27 (0)83 654 2844

SA - Head Office

45 Hilken Drive
Umhlanga Rocks
Kwa Zulu Natal
Durban - South Africa

UK - Sales Office

April Cottage
Hill Head
Tel: 07875 844 743